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Free entries in Salamanca

In Salamanca it is possible to enjoy the richness of its culture and its heritage for very little money or, what is better, for free.

If you organize yourself well, and plan your visits in advance, you can save a lot of money and visit almost all the most important museums and monuments in the city for free. Here we leave you a list of places and when you can visit them without spending a €uro.


Yes, you read it right. You can enjoy the following places for free always:

  • The Sant Millán Church (Monumenta Salamanticae)
  • Museo DA2 Domus Artium 2002
  • Filmoteca de Castilla y León
  • El Cielo de Salamanca (Zodiac Fresco - Sky of Salamanca)
  • Casa de las Conchas (House of Shells)
  • La Casa de Santa Teresa (The house of Santa Teresa): Admission is free, but if you leave them some coins they will be very grateful.

Free, only a some days

You can only enter these places for free on certain days and at specific hours:

Free, with invitation

These sites are free always or some days, but you will need an invitation to enter. The invitations / tickets can be obtained in the Tourist Office (Plaza Mayor, 32).

  • Palacio de Monterrey (The Monterrey Palace): it is possible to enter for free on Mondays at 17:00, you will need to pick up the invitation at the Tourist Office that same Monday at 9:00. You can also book them at (You can only book/take one ticket per person. So if you are more, everyone have to go to pick them up).
  • Pozo de las Nieves (Snow well) - only in Spanish: Always free entry. Maximum 2 tickets per person.
  • Cerro de San Vicente - only in Spanish: Always free entry. Maximum 2 tickets per person.

Free, only one part

It is the case of Convento de San Esteban (Convent of San Esteban). Admission is free on Sundays, but only to go up to the terrace. If you want to enjoy incredible views, you have to come that day at 10:00, 11:00 or 11:30.

Ahora, ya puedes coger tu mapa USE-IT de Salamanca y comenzar a planificar tus visitas.

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